2022 Business report
Contribute to a sustainable world
In a world where social and environmental issues are becoming more significant, working together to build a more environmentally friendly world that respects its people is critical. As a Mission-Driven Company, we have a duty to set an example in this area.

“Companies have an essential role to play in supporting this transition to a resilient world by promoting an sustainability-based economy. For this reason, Relyens have made this a pillar of our mission and strategic plan. Our objective is to make Relyens a player committed to a sustainable world. A player that creates value for its stakeholders and acts responsibly at all levels of the company. This means we have to review our business, our value proposition and our relationship with our ecosystem from the social issue perspective. It also challenges our ability to engage our customers, partners and employees in the achievement of our mission. Finally, it allows us to refocus on what’s essential, on what has a real and positive impact on our Society.”

Combining our activity with protecting the environment and to suggest offers that contribute to our customers’ CSR strategy.
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Ensuring the development of our employees and promoting citizen participation within the Group.
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Rely on a meaningful investment policy that coordinates performance and risk management over the long term.
Find out moreManaging solvency
Our aim is to ensure the sustainability of our offerings to our various stakeholders. The responsibility of all the Group’s Business Units is: to manage and direct the performance of various activities with the aim of achieving positive financial results, strengthening the assets and developing and supporting the Group’s sustainability.

“The current economic climate, demonstrating high inflation, hyper-competition and intense regulatory pressure, is also creating a difficult situation for the financial markets. Within this situation, which is also marked by new risks linked to the consequences of the health crisis, the unstable geopolitical context and the exponential increase in cyber-attacks, we need to achieve solid results to enable us to invest and guarantee the long-term future and independence of our Group, while continuing to finance our development. ”
Relyens in 2022 :
We have initiated a project to develop a tool for monitoring and managing the Group’s insurance performance. This new tool will enable us to measure:
- our technical performance: underwriting and claims management
- our operational performance regarding efficiency and effectiveness.
At Group level, this will enable us to harmonise the methodologies used to manage the profitability of the insurance portfolio, taking full advantage of all our tools while building a set of indicators that are relevant, accessible, easy to interpret and highly automated.
On this particular subject, our efforts in 2022 were essentially devoted to technological and organisational change, and therefore to the physical construction of a single tool that could contain intelligible information globally.